Tuesday, December 11, 2007

McD's Newest Ad Platform: Report Cards

So McDonald's is advertising on kids' report cards now. Wow.


Kalev said...

Oh my gosh, that's SO disgusting! And just because Pizza Hut's done it for 22 years doesn't make it right!

America is so unbelievably fucked up!

And I'm sorry, McDonald's, but if you're advertising on report cards, you are too "advertising in schools." Fucking pathetic lying bastards!

Tod Maffin said...

That is sick.

But now I want a cheeseburger.


Dave said...

I'm no so pissed at McDonald's as I am at the school board. While it might not be the primary mandate of a fast food place to make decisions in the best interest of children, you'd think the school board would place that as somewhat of a priority.

JB said...

Two words: Subsidized Time.