Perhaps I keep playing because I do things that amuse me, like this:

Hee hee. I played sex for 10 points.
Also, amusing is:

Hee hee. My rack.
It helps that I have the sense of humour of a 12 year old boy.
I will say, however, that I'm improving. As evidenced by this screenshot:

That's right. I played sex for 30 points this time. I'm now officially 3 times better at playing sex. It must be true, because it's on the internets.
You are getting better.
I'm looking forward to your sex for many games to come.
You wrote that entire post and didn't use the phrase 'double word score' once. What gives?
Is that a Facebook app, or a standalone site? And do you play in real time, or is turn based?
It's a Facebook app, called Scrabulous (I can't believe I forgot to say that. D'oh!).
It's turned based, but I've played a few games where my opponent and I were both online at the same time, so we were playing in real time.
I laugh at the 'my rack' too. every time.
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